...why are you even taking my signature into this?

Posted by Sedruce at 2:48am Oct 18 '07
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lol, seriously, it's not relevant to this conversation at all.

I have never, will never put forth that people who contribute less/nothing to society should be killed. NEVER. Including fully formed full term fetuses (no emotionally charged terms, remember? if it's still in the womb, it's a fetus. Not a "baby" until it's out and crying).

I'm simply saying that rights are taken away. The embryo has no right to life. The embryo has no rights, period. That doesn't mean it should be killed. And it doesn't mean that a person in a vegetative state should be killed. But hey, guess what, they do lose their right to live at a certain point, shown by the fact that the next of kin have the right to pull the plug and kill them.

Even a mentally inept person, one who cannot function on their own, has some degree of rights because even in their completely "useless" stage, they are contributing to society, if only by their interactions with their caretakers (you'd be shocked at how rewarding and wonderful it can be to be a caretaker for a person who is so mentally inept that they can't even go to the bathroom themselves--hey, whaddya know, a contribution to society!!).

Again, I AM NOT SAYING WE SHOULD KILL ANYONE. I'm simply saying that at a certain state of noncontribution, the right to live is no longer there, and living becomes a privilege instead. A privilege which can be taken away.
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