Well...I sort of disagree...but I also agree

Posted by Sedruce at 6:40pm Oct 16 '07
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You're right, if the pro-lifers want to use the term murder, it must apply equally, to all, rape or not.

BUT, if we're not using the term murder, let's say it's the idea of abortion as birth control that's opposed, then I'd say that it's an acceptable double standard.

When I was younger, maybe 8 or so, I remember vividly passing by some pro-lifers picketing in front of Planned Parenthood. My mom was driving and I was in the front seat. I asked her about it and she explained to me about the abortion controversy. I told her that if I could make laws, I would make abortion illegal for anyone. She mentioned women who had been raped. I sat and thought for a bit, then said that raped women can get abortions, but no one else. Mom asked me how we would determine that, and I said a judge could decide on a case by case basis, at which point she told me that many women are too embarrassed to admit it. I still oppose abortion as birth control, but ever since that conversation, I've supported each individual woman's right to chose, without having her motives questioned.
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