Re: Another abortion thread...

Posted by shyla at 2:31pm Oct 16 '07
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I think that most pro lifers truly believe abortion is murder. It also just so happens they believe in abstinence before marriage. I don't think the two views have to contradict each other. Both views can be equally important to them.

I think that my stance on this subject is slowly, but surely, changing.

I used to think a woman's body equals a woman's choice. I would have much rather the abortion option be available than for countless women to needlessly die by finding other, harmful methods to abort and unwanted child.


This isn't the olden times. We aren't before birth control. It isn't so taboo to become pregnant out of wedlock or even at a young age. We are a nation full of so many opportunities. If we don't want to get pregnant-there is prevention. If we don't want to have a child-there is adoption, which is perfectly acceptable.

This debate always brings up rape and medical problems as an excuse for abortions but the reality is:

# 3/4 say that having a baby would interfere with work, school, or other responsibilities.
# 23% say they cannot afford to have a child.
# Over 90% say they are having an abortion because of some type of "social" reason (convenience, money, not ready for a child, etc)
# Rape and incest consist of less than 0.5% of all abortions.
(93% of women gave more than one reason, that is why the percentages overlap!)

I don't think abortion should be illegal, but I liked [private]'s idea that it be a decision between patient and doctor. I don't think we should have federal or state laws on it. Also, there are about 14 states that demand a waiting period before having an abortion. I agree with that. It is such a big decision that can cause tremendous amounts of guilt and regret.
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