
Posted by Sedruce at 2:23am Oct 18 '07
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I'm utterly shocked at how little faith some of you guys have in people's contributions to society. :/ So far, a person in a vegetative state is the ONLY example I have seen of a person who absolutely does not contribute to society.

In my high school, we had the mentally challenged kids in SpEd (like every high school...), but they contributed to our school by delivering newspapers to the classrooms and doing similar things.

Likewise, mentally challenged people can do a variety of jobs in the community. We actually have a PSA commercial running about exactly that up here on one of the local stations right now. The narrative goes along the lines of "You think you know me. You think you know what's best for me. You think you know what I can do. And what I can't. But you're wrong." And it goes on for a few more seconds. The commercial's message is to ask businesses to hire people with mental disabilities, because they can and want to be contributing members of society.

And hey, guess what, those who are so mentally incapable of contributing significantly? They lose their right to freedom and are locked up in a mental hospital. But they still contribute something to society.
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