Probably not

Posted by Kromey at 2:43pm Oct 15 '07
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This data may sway some people still on the fencepost, but pretty much everyone on both sides (pro-lifers and pro-choicers) is so entrenched in their opinions that this won't change it.

My prediction:
Pro-choicers will cite this study again and again, claiming that it proves once and for all that abortion should be legal because it makes abortions (which will be had regardless of legality) safer for the woman.
Pro-lifers will seek out every perceived or imagined flaw in this study, or will otherwise try to suggest that its conclusions are false and that abortions must still be illegal.

This will sway some fence-sitters toward pro-choice, but that will be the extent of the impact (in terms of changing of opinions, anyway).

added on 2:45pm Oct 15 '07:
Damn, tried to make that post as objective as possible, but my own opinion leaked in anyway. I apologize for that.
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