
Posted by Bob Janova at 8:02am Oct 11 '10
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If people start demanding it, though, it will become available. Look at the availability of organic produce now compared to in 1990 (or even 2000). If there is a strong demand for cheap basic 'real food' ingredients then people will start to sell them. So I'd start with education, and giving schoolchildren proper food, and then people will start demanding the right things.

We're lucky over here in that we never lost our network of market towns, which grew up in the middle ages when we didn't have advanced modes of transport, so they are close enough together that no-one is an unreasonably long distance from one. (For example although I live in a village here we have 4 or 5 markets with 15 miles and 'our' market town is 5 miles away.) I don't think I've ever seen a general street market in a North American town (as opposed to a bunch of stalls selling a particular local speciality crop, which I have seen).
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