I grew up on food stamps...

Posted by C at 7:41pm Oct 8 '10
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Lived in shitty areas where everyfuckingbody was on food stamps. I'm old enough to remember when food stamps were actually paper, and you had to hand the "book" over to the cashier to tear it out for anything using a $5 denomination or higher, so as kids, your parents gave you "1's" already torn out of the book.

I'm all too aware of the abuse of the food stamp system and it's inherent abuses. Many families buying tons of junk food, soda, candy, chips, Slurpee's from 7-11, and other bullshit. However, not every family does this... just most. So, knowing all I know, I like the idea of banning the use of food stamps for blatant junkfood. Soft Drinks, Chips, Cookies and basically everything down the junkfood isles should be banned. Hand in hand though, we need more nutritional education and better information on budgeting food monies.

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