saying 'beggers can't be choosers' comes to mind

Posted by Someone Else at 9:15pm Oct 8 '10
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I'm against the government saying what we can and can't consume--I think the choice should be ours, always.

But soda? How is that contributing to the nutritional intake of anyone?

If you want soda, or candy bars, or any other useless junk food, shell out your own cash. If my tax dollars are helping, then you should be eating things that you actually need to be eating. I don't want to be pouring money into giving someone diabetes and making me pour more money onto their health care.

I'm all for people eating sugary om-nommy goodness in moderation, but they should pay for it themselves.

added on 9:16pm Oct 8 '10:
Incidentally, if we allow food stamps for soda, why not allow it for booze, too?
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