Re: abortion thread

Posted by 79 at 2:03pm Sep 24 '09
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So, are you for it or against it?

neither. i'm against not letting other people decide for themselves.

When does life begin?
let's skip the "life" definition (do i take a life when i take antibiotics? when i pick a strawberry? what about the splattered bugs on my windshield?). i don't think of an entity as "human" until it achieves consciousness. so i dunno, several months after birth? a couple years?

How late should I be able to abort at?
you yourself? if you manage to have one at all, i'll support it just for the scientific interest.
but more seriously, i'd say up until birth. perhaps afterwards, but that's a discussion on euthenasia, not abortion.

Do guys get any say in the abortion, especially if they don't want a kid?
tricky. if he doesn't want it and is willing to pay for the abortion, i don't think he should have to pay child support if she goes ahead with having the kid. otherwise, nope, no say.

Should you abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape?
if you want to, sure.

Should abortion costs be supplemented by government healthcare systems?
yes. my tax dollars already go for other things i find personally repugnant and disagree with, but that's the price of government. i don't see why abortions should get singled out because some people think it's immoral or wrong. i think it's immoral and wrong to give money to, say, halliburton. some people just need to realize that they aren't the center of the universe.

Is it okay to joke about abortion?
as long as you're not deliberately trying to hurt someone. like jokes about any controversial topic, there are occasions and situations where it's funny, and others where it isn't.

Has anyone here had to abort and why?
not personally, obviously, and no progeny of mine has ever been aborted (not that i know of, anyway - but i'm 99.9% sure on that one). but i've got a couple friends who have had them. it's not an easy decision, and not one that you forget quickly. but they still think it was the right decision.
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