Why not...

Posted by Samael at 10:32am Sep 22 '09
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* So, are you for it or against it?
* Why?

I believe that it's a woman's right to choose what happens with her body, including whether or not to allow another life to use her body. So, I support a woman's right to choose whether she wants to be pregnant or not. This right extends up to the point of the fetus being viable, for me. At the point where the fetus is viable, it should not be destroyed, but removed. This could lead to all sorts of weird complications, as technology advances and the point of viability gets sooner and sooner after conception, and I'm not sure how those problems would be solved, but there it is.

* When does life begin?

Life begins at conception. That's basic biology, and not really something that I understand the debate about. It's also totally beside the point, to me. But I also know that I'm sort of unusual in that regard.

* How late should I be able to abort at?

You should be able to choose not to be pregnant right up until you're not. You should be able to choose abortion as the means of ending your pregnancy from the point that you realize you're pregnant to the point where the fetus is viable (and, at that point, the fetus should be removed).

* Do guys get any say in the abortion, especially if they don't want a kid?

It depends on what this means. Should the guy be able to veto or force abortion? No. But, if you're having sex with someone, both parties should be having conversations along the lines of "what if you get pregnant", and the guy should make his feelings known, then. Ultimately, though, the woman is the one carrying the fetus, which means that it's her body and her choice.

* Should you abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape?

Only if you want to.

* Should abortion costs be supplemented by government healthcare systems?

Absolutely. But, again, I'm unusual insomuch as I think that most medical care should be supplemented by the government.

* Is it okay to joke about abortion?
I don't see why not. Doesn't mean I'll find it amusing.

* Has anyone here had to abort and why?

As a guy, I have not. I know a number of women who have, for a variety of reasons including everything from feeling like they weren't ready to have a child (especially not with the father of the child), to a case where serious medical complications forced someone to abort a wanted child.
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