Re: abortion thread

Posted by Sedruce at 2:29am Sep 22 '09
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So, are you for it or against it?
I'm for a woman's right to make decisions about her body.

Infringing on a current life for a possible/potential life is not a logically sound decision

When does life begin?
A human exists as of hir first breath

How late should I be able to abort at?
Absolutely any time, legally. Morally, I find it absolutely horrible to not abort the moment you know you want/need to.

Do guys get any say in the abortion, especially if they don't want a kid?
They may be as involved as the woman allows, and absolutely no more. That said, I think the child support system needs a's unfair that women can opt out of the consequence of a child, but men can't.

Should you abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape?
I will not make that judgment. I would fully support anyone who would want to abort a pregnancy as a result of rape--as I would support any woman seeking an abortion--but I wouldn't push for it. That will never be my call to make (unless it's my body we're discussing).

Should abortion costs be supplemented by government healthcare systems?
Yes--I would much prefer a woman use my tax money to get an abortion than do something stupid/unhealthy because she feels it's her last option.

Is it okay to joke about abortion?
Eh, it's iffy in mixed company.

Has anyone here had to abort and why?
No--I have taken the plan B pill though. Up to this point, I could say with confidence that I would have this moment, it's realistically plausible that I could raise a kid, or at the least go through the pregnancy, so I'd have to evaluate the choice if the situation came up.
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