Re: abortion thread

Posted by Sir Four at 10:04am Sep 24 '09
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"So, are you for it or against it?"

I am for full choice during the first half of pregnancy. I am for legal abortion in the second half of pregnancy only in cases where the mother's health is at risk or the fetus shows significant problems in development.


I don't think the rights of a young fetus trump those of the mother. As the fetus progresses toward a viable baby, I believe it acquires more rights. If a woman choses not to be pregnant, I believe this choice must be made early on (with the exception I mentioned above).

"When does life begin?"

"Life" begins at fertilization, but I don't believe the life of an embryo is equivalent to the life of a developed human. Independent life begins at viability (by definition, of course).

"How late should I be able to abort at?"

Answered above.

"Do guys get any say in the abortion, especially if they don't want a kid?"

Our input should matter, but women must have the final say. Also, I don't think men should be able to get out of child support so easily, as some have suggested.

"Should you abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape?"

Yes, if she wants to. But only in accordance with the timeframes I set above.

"Should abortion costs be supplemented by government healthcare systems?"

If liberals can't prevent our tax dollars from paying for blowing people up in foreign countries, I hardly see why conservatives should get such deference on this issue. They scream "ZOMG its against my beliefs for my money to go toward that!!" Well that's exactly how we felt about the Iraq war, and nobody in government seemed to care.

"Is it okay to joke about abortion?"

Probably not in most situations.

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