Re: abortion thread

Posted by blood roses at 10:53am Sep 22 '09
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So, are you for it or against it?

I'm for the right of a woman to choose whether or not she wants to carry a pregnancy to term. I'm for that because I believe forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy she doesn't want is a huge violation of bodily autonomy.

When does life begin?

Life begins at conception. When does a fetus become a person... I honestly don't know. I think it's a process that starts at conception and finishes several years after birth. I dont' think there's one point we can point to and say: "Now it's a person". Like Sam, I don't consider it relevant to the legal question. The fact that I don't consider a first trimester fetus a person is relevant for my decision of whether or not to have an abortion, but legally I believe a woman's right to bodily autonomy should trump the right of the fetus to be alive, whether it is a person or not.

How late should I be able to abort at?

Up until birth. Personally, I would be uncomfortable aborting after the fourth or fifth month, but I don't get a say in your decision (err, that is a hypothetical you who has a uterus).

Do guys get any say in the abortion, especially if they don't want a kid?

They should be able to give their opinion. Ideally, the woman would listen and take that into account. But legally, they shouldn't get a say. I realise that's unfair but it's also unfair that men don't have to deal with swollen breasts, morning sickness, and labour. Blame biology.

Should you abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape?

I don't think should comes into it. It is the choice of the rape victim whether she wants to abort the pregnancy or not.

Should abortion costs be supplemented by government healthcare systems?

Yes. I would hate to see a woman driven to dangerous attempts to abort her own pregnancy because she can't afford an abortion. Also not having to come up with the money for an abortion lets women do it earlier, which is both better for her and less potentially ethically problematic.

Is it okay to joke about abortion?

Know your audience...

Why can't you trick a foetus? Cause it wasn't born yesterday


Has anyone here had to abort and why?

No, I've never been pregnant. I've always been careful with birth control although of course that's no guarantee. I did have a pregnancy scare several years ago though. I was still in school, I was not mature enough to have a child, and the potential father was an asshole who lived in another country. Takign those things into account, I decided to have an abortion. Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm. But making that decision for myself made me a lot less judgemental about other women's abortions.
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