Re: abortion thread

Posted by Rashind at 10:20am Sep 22 '09
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* So, are you for it or against it?
Vehemently for.

* Why?
I know we're down to our last 6 3/4 billion people or so, but I don't see the point in making more at such a rate. Even if we were down to our last million or so, I'd say the woman's right to bodily autonomy outweighs the uterine leech's interests by a wife margin.

* When does life begin?
Life? At gamete-formation. Personhood? 4 or 5 years.

* How late should I be able to abort at?
Not later than 18 months (27 months post-conception.)

* Do guys get any say in the abortion, especially if they don't want a kid?
Thomas Beatty and similarly situated men should get a say, but otherwise no.

* Should you abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape?
If you'd prefer, and if said pregnancy is occuring in your body.

* Should abortion costs be supplemented by government healthcare systems?
Yes. Abortion is cheaper than a lifetime of health care, which I also think government should provide.

* Is it okay to joke about abortion?
Only if it's funny, or if those who would be offended are deserving of offense.

* Why can't you trick a foetus? Cause it wasn't born yesterday
You answered that one.

* Has anyone here had to abort and why?
My uterus-ownership is pending some serious stem cell R&D.
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