Another thing to consider

Posted by Sir Four at 10:18pm May 11 '12
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As defacto leader of the Democratic party, Obama's statements have had a ripple effect. Democrats from Harry Reid and Steny Hoyer on down have since issued statements endorsing same-sex marriage. My own senator (already known to favor gay rights) facebooked this week that the fight for gay marriage is the civil rights struggle of our time (which I agree with). Going forward, the Democratic party will officially endorse same-sex marriage; there is no turning away from it now. And Republicans will end up on the wrong side of history, with no other choice than to back the paleo views held by their base.

I just want to take a second to say... I started debating politics online at the end of the 90s, and I distinctly remember how different it was then to advocate for gay marriage. You were, frankly, assumed to be a closeted homosexual by those for whom the very idea of gay marriage was absurd and outside the realm of consideration. It's amazing how much has changed in a relatively short period of time.
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