What a funny fantasy world you live in

Posted by Kromey at 1:39pm Dec 1 '11
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Republicans cut taxes over and over, because hey that's letting Americans keep more of their own money. But if the president is a D, suddenly it's vote-buying and dirty politics. Again: What?

I never said this. That whole thing is your own fantastical invention; please don't ascribe such invented foolishness to me, especially when you know damn well that I'm not behind either of those parties.

The Alaska thing is the state actually cutting a check to its citizens. Wonderful! But don't pretend it's not socialism.

Huh. Since when did socialism become people getting paid for windfalls on their own property? Last I checked capitalism did that.

You see, Alaska was founded in part on the idea that the state belongs to the people. Not unlike the USA, in fact -- "We the People", "by the people, of the people, for the people", y'know, silly little nonsense like that. Thing is, we take that to the logical conclusion that that means that state property is owned by -- get ready for this shocker -- the people! *GASP!*

So you want to drill for oil on our land? Go right ahead! You'll pay us a cut for the privilege, though. (Huh, that sounds awful capitalist to me, but if profiting from one's property is called "socialism" then maybe it's not such a bad thing after all!)

Oh, and don't forget the dirty partisan smear tactics your beloved Democrats are engaged in. See, what you "forgot" to mention is that the Republicans want to extend the payroll tax cut, too! Thing is, the Democrats won't let them! That's right, the "obstructionist" Republicans are being obstructed by the Democrats from doing something both parties want to do!!

Can't tell the people that, though -- that would make the Republicans look good, and we can't have that!!

Question: If both parties want to extend the current tax cut, but one party wants to also make the cut bigger, why shouldn't we extend the current tax cut and then discuss increasing it further?

Why is this simple, logical fix lost on the Democrats?

Oh, right, of course: The Democrats aren't interested in doing what's right for the nation, they're only interested in setting themselves up to be the good guys and the Republicans up to be the bad guys so that they can keep the White House next year!!
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