Re: I don't think I've ever had the opportunity

Posted by Kromey at 5:34pm Nov 12 '11
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why? i'm not sure what you mean here, unless you mean voting is meaningless....

Not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that sitting here and saying "Yeah, I'd vote against my best interests" doesn't really mean all that much. Words are easy; action, on the other hand...

i guess just take the question as "what causes/measures/laws/etc do you support even if they're somehow detrimental to you personally, and which ones do you oppose even though they directly benefit you?"

Like I said, can't really think of any.

but don't your taxes go towards local school budgets?


Well, okay, that's not entirely true -- my federal income taxes do come back in the form of federal grants and such to the local schools. But there's no local income tax, no sales tax; pretty much just property tax. And while I really want to, I don't own any property. So I pay nothing at all in local taxes.

there are lots of examples to think of. voting against medical marijuana in your state when you're happy that your grandfather with cancer lives in colorado. voting against gay marriage and claiming to be tolerant of gays.

hell, it could even be something like "i'm all in favor of porn not being treated differently from any other type of publication, but i'll vote to keep the law saying only those over 18 can purchase it."

Those are good examples. Not particularly applicable to me, however -- I support legalizing marijuana, I support gay marriage, and I'm undecided on under-18 porn (I definitely think parents should be the ones to police their child's access to porn, but I'm not sure if I'd carry that so far as to strike the current laws that prohibit it).

I, too, can think of lots of examples that would be applicable to other people. Like raising taxes across the board to fund our over-bloated government; I, however, think that the government needs instead to be slashed heavily, which may right there negate any need to raise taxes.

Most of my ideals run parallel with personal freedoms, which I happen to also think are in my best interests.
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