no, I agree with you about sweeping laws

Posted by Someone Else at 5:11am Dec 18 '10
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but I'm just saying that a lot of the school/gun laws are in response to violence in places that decidedly aren't like inner-city LA. I mean, even here in Alaska, we've had potentially violent gun scares, and I'm pretty damn sure we're not like inner-city LA either. But apparently we still do need something to protect us from the crazies (makes sense; crazies don't care if you're inner-city LA or middle of nowhere). Again, not saying that the solution is sweeping federal laws that are equal in all places even though all places are not equal...but I think it shows a lot of naiveté, at best, to say that just because your little home isn't known for violence and gangs means that you don't need any sort of protective legislation.
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