Re: hmm

Posted by Kromey at 9:46pm Dec 17 '10
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I mean, I'm just saying, Columbine, CO, isn't exactly inner-city LA either...

Inner-city LA has a lot more violence than Columbine. Which isn't to say that there isn't any in the latter (we all know that that's just not true), but it's nonetheless ludicrous to think that what may be necessary in the former works just as well in the latter (or vice-versa). Hell, even comparing inner-city LA to other high-crime areas (e.g. Chicago) doesn't mean that what works (or doesn't work) will (or will not) work in the other.

This is the biggest problem with sweeping federal law: It tries to treat a huge, diverse country as if everything and everyone were all just the same. Which is a concept completely divorced from any semblance of reality.
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