off the top of my head....

Posted by 79 at 2:43pm Nov 30 '09
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the virus is "Security Tools". it put itself in the windows/program data folder, under two folders just named a string of numbers. one folder i could delete (contained another ########.exe), the other i couldn't - so i renamed the exe (another ########.exe). apparently it uses random numbers for every install, from what i've read.

renamed, rebooted, and i had control again. ran AVG, then Spyware Doctor, then ComboFix (note: SD only runs a cursory scan on install, it took the full scan for it to catch the rest of the stuff).

i've still got some junk that CF found that i haven't had a chance to clean out yet, but it's pretty nullified at this point, the rest is just residual cleanup. comp is back to normal to all intents and purposes.
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