Like usual, not as simple as you make out

Posted by Bob Janova at 1:12pm Apr 27 '12
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Child labour is a bad thing. I hope we can agree on that; it's the basis of much of the improvement in western life around the start of the 20th century, and what a lot of people are pushing for in the east.

So why should farms be exempt from that, and be able to employ children? Farm work is often physical, intensive and dangerous; if we don't want children working down coal mines, do we want them working on farms? I don't think so.

The main argument you seem to be making, that children wouldn't be able to help out on the family farm, is explicitly stated not to be true in the original DoL press release: The proposed regulations would not apply to children working on farms owned by their parents.

It seems the angry crew got their way but I wonder if that is because a lot of people didn't actually check what they were angry about ...
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