The failed politicization of the pirate stand-off

Posted by Sir Four at 12:33pm Apr 14 '09
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Nobody should be surprised that the pirate stand-off was used for political attacks, but maybe these guys should have waited a little longer. After Obama gave the order to shoot to kill and as the snipers were taking aim, this is what the right-wing talkers were saying:

If Gingrich's rhetoric didn't seem about 20 years stale as he was saying it, it surely did just a little later as the breaking news completely contradicted him.

And can I just say, how does anyone watch Glen Beck? Does he not have the most obnoxious gestures and facial tics of anyone you've ever seen? I guess it's part of his act, but he looks like he needs to be on medication to control that. He also comes off a little "gay" if you ask me. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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