The Rage of the Far-Right

Posted by Sir Four at 12:46pm Apr 9 '09
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Since Obama's election, it seems to me that the paranoia on the right is reaching disturbing levels. In the media, the conservatives don't even reach for "socialism" anymore as that's too soft. These days they refer to the Obama administration as tyrants and fascists. Or in the case of Glen Beck on Fox news, who occassionally talks about Obama with Nazi imagery green-screened behind him, the Obama admin. are "vampires" and we must "drive a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers."

There are gun and ammo shortages in the US because the paranoid right are stocking up. People are being told Obama is coming for their guns and to take their kids to "re-educate" them.

The recent legalization of gay marriage in two states has presented an opportunity for the Right to launch a fresh round of culture warring. There is a commerical out attacking gay marriage, which you can see here ("I am afraid," says one woman. See the "video responses" to watch actors try out for the spot.).

How does gay marriage connect with Obama? Take it away, right-wing radio nutcase:
There is a rising tide of pink fascism in this country, and it comes as a result of the election of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama has signaled that during his reign it will be acceptable to impose gay marriage on the people of the United States. He's being very cleverly used as a tool of the gay puppet masters. He is personally masculine, has a beautiful family and was used by the gay mafia to convince real American families that they should support him.

And now that Obama the Trojan horse has been taken inside the gates, so to speak, the contagion from within his administration is spreading throughout the country. One state at a time seems to be falling. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, California is teetering on the brink. Will Texas be next? Will Obama say that in order to make up for the oppression caused by slavery that the Deep South will now have to accept gay marriage under duress?

Jon Stewart had a great response to all this madness, particularly starting 2 minutes in:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Baracknophobia - Obey
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