Re: It's a cycle

Posted by Sir Four at 7:17pm Apr 9 '09
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"So lets not make this about Obama specifically, it's really not him, but just his big fat D."

You're right, it's not about Obama specifically. It's more about how crazy the far-right is, and how conservative media is egging them on. Yes, the left has their nuts who occassionally vandalize an SUV dealership or something. But crazy leftism never was this mainstream--never had tv shows in prime time or members of congress repeating their crazy charges. Crazy leftism never resulted in a run on the gun and ammo shop to "prepare" for something.

And Obama's been in for what, just over two months?

"Also, I'm shocked that Jon Stewart would stand up for Obama. *gasps*"

...aaand if my point was, "newsflash, Jon Stewart stands up for Obama!" you'd have a point. Did you watch the clip? Do you disagree with what he said?
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