even that spider-thingie wasn't creepy, really

Posted by 79 at 8:17pm Aug 1 '11
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gross and spidery, but like some of the others, over-the-top enough that it's like watching a really "good" bad scary movie.

not sure why i found the ood creepy....probably a lot to do with the "hive-mind" thing. and they looked like they had a proboscus. probosci (proboscuses? nah) are creepy.

.....except that dude with in the mos eisley cantina. he looked pretty chill.

added on 8:18pm Aug 1 '11:
"..with one in the mos eisley cantina.."
added on 8:18pm Aug 1 '11:
*Mos Eisley Cantina

damn, i never usually mess up with caps.
added on 8:19pm Aug 1 '11:
Mos Eisley Cantina...

M.E. Cantina...

ME Cantina.

YOU Jane.

.....okay i'm done. weird day at work or something.
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