Eh, it's not REALLY a phobia

Posted by Kromey at 8:10pm Aug 1 '11
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It's a unreasonable fear, certainly, so it partially fits the criteria, but it doesn't have any impact on my ability to function, even in the presence of creepy statuary -- at most I'll hesitate for the barest of moments before carrying on, I doubt anyone watching me would even notice.

Dr. Who villains very rarely are truly creepy, I'll grant that. The Angels are about the only exception, at least that I can think of off the top of my head. Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans (all come from pre-"reboot" Doctor Who, btw, so no spoilers here!) aren't terrifying, really -- strong and powerful, sure, but not really scary, y'know? Yeah, y'know, cuz we're saying basically the same thing.

I never found the Ood creepy, really. Certainly odd (hehe, that always cracks me up -- "odd Ood are odd!"), but not creepy.
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