interesting phobia

Posted by 79 at 7:58pm Aug 1 '11
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the end of the episode couldn't have been much help there.

i guess they didn't scare me that much at first because, well, it's dr who - lots of things look creepy as fuck (the face, for example) but are benign or even good. the really bad stuff, like the cybermen or daleks, aren't really that....creepy, y'know? even the Ood, who were creepy as fuck, weren't intrinsically bad.

speaking of which, i dunno how into Doom you are/were, but those two episodes about the devil were basically Doom 3. i even showed [private] the trailer for it, and she finally got what i'd been blabbering about the whole time.

(also, i'm only up to the angels episode, so no spoilers plz?)
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