
Posted by Kromey at 3:27pm Jan 9 '11
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[private], my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, my mother-in-law's boyfriend, and my brother-in-law (maybe?) all pitched in to get me a Kinect for my birthday and (in the case of all of those except [private]) Christmas. This, folks, is a gift where you don't mind combining Christmas and birthday!

I was hooked on the thing just from using the initial set-up menus, it's that frickin' cool to actually be the controller! It came with "Kinect Adventures", which is fun, and on the way home I picked up "Dance Central", which is like DDR taken 15 levels beyond!

Next I'm going to look into the various fitness/workout games for the Kinect, but even with just these 2 games it is so very much worth it!
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