Posted by Sir Four at 1:53pm Sep 2 '11
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why should we care if welfare recipients use drugs? Do we care if they use alcohol and tobacco?
One thing that drives me nuts about this country (and I guess it's true in most countries) is that alcohol is completely normalized and not considered a drug, but everything else is ZOMG bad scary scary! Alcohol is a mind-altering substance. It's a drug no more and no less than anything currently illegal. People consume it specifically for its mind-altering effect. Yet, seeking mind-altering effects from other substances is the worst thing ever...let's spend a trillion dollars on the war on drugs, yay! It doesn't work and creates a huge, crime-infested black market, but drugs are so bad it's worth pretending to do something about them! Now let's go have a drink!
Got off on a bit of a tangent there..
One thing that drives me nuts about this country (and I guess it's true in most countries) is that alcohol is completely normalized and not considered a drug, but everything else is ZOMG bad scary scary! Alcohol is a mind-altering substance. It's a drug no more and no less than anything currently illegal. People consume it specifically for its mind-altering effect. Yet, seeking mind-altering effects from other substances is the worst thing ever...let's spend a trillion dollars on the war on drugs, yay! It doesn't work and creates a huge, crime-infested black market, but drugs are so bad it's worth pretending to do something about them! Now let's go have a drink!
Got off on a bit of a tangent there..