If they don't want help

Posted by Kromey at 1:16pm Sep 2 '11
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forcing it upon them won't do anything except waste taxpayer money.

There's also the little fact that the overwhelming majority of drug users -- including "harder" drugs like cocaine and heroine -- are recreational users, not the stereotypical addicts we've been conditioned to think of. Sure, they might be addicted, but no more so than I am to my morning cup o' joe. [I realize citation is probably needed, but I don't have it handy and can't remember where I read it.]

There's also the leaked WHO report (link below) that points out very convincingly that the overwhelming majority of drug use is no more damaging that alcohol or tobacco -- although the report was suppressed for political reasons [second-to-last paragraph is the relevant one, although the whole article is quite good].
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