New News of the Oil Spill and efforts

Posted by Anthem at 1:12pm May 5 '10
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So as of today, BP has placed one shut off valve on the third leak as of Tuesday. I'm not sure if its been activated yet; different articles say different things.

So now they are moving a coffer dam to place on the second leak. They will see how it works then move another to place on the first if it is successful.

The coffer dam is 40 feet tall and 73 tons. If it works correctly, the oil and gas will be siphoned up the dam through a riser, then loaded onto a drillship and then moved on land. The danger in this is that one: they don't know if it will work..aka if the gas will travel up the riser. It might just spill out the bottom of the coffer. Two: they are afraid that the delicate state of the pipeline with added pressure from the coffer will spring new leaks.

We should see some result in a few days from now.

IN the meantime..lawsuits abundant..BP is hiring fishermen to help with the cleanup but people like crabbers and oystermen are sitting at home not making any money. They are trying to raise the 75 million oil disaster cap in the government to 10 billion. Also, the people doing the most for recovery are the Louisiana senators. They are organizing people where BP and the Coast Guard have failed. So, that's where we are at. The oil is just touching down around the barrier reefs, which is basically where thousands of birds call their home.
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