Re: Apparently 'vagina' and 'scrotum' are dirty words

Posted by nibor at 7:46pm Mar 13 '07
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I had a best firend in school who i accually wound up defending from being suspended for whereing a shirt with the phrase sex is dead on the back. Apparently the vice principal felt that it was inappropiate to use the work sex in school this was untill i brought her the marrage and family liveing class text book that had the word sex 57 times with in one chapter.

People are sheltering there children to much theses days I mean when I was young i know what the parts of a male were I wasn't getting ready to enter middle school thinking that babys came from the stork and If I fed up i got my ass beat.

Sure I agree with censoring children from using improper terms and words in school To an extent However Vagina and Scrotum text book terms for that matter medical terms.

Sure teach ban these words ban these terms and I would like to see when you go to the doctor in the future and realise there is no one there to give you a colon exam a testicular cancer check and no one to deliver your grandchildren. because you have held back the education of the people who want to learn just because a few people blush at the mention of perfictly normal body parts.
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