Apparently 'vagina' and 'scrotum' are dirty words

Posted by blood roses at 8:12pm Mar 8 '07
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First, a woman gets offended by a sign advertising "the Vagina monologues".

Then, a book gets banned in elementary schools for using the word "scrotum". (The article I originally read is now asking me to pay for it, but here is the author's response to the controversy.

Finally, three students are suspsended for using the word 'vagina' at an open mic session. Apparently there were *gasp* children present.

What blows my mind here, is that 'vagina' and 'scrotum' are anatomical terms. It's not like they were saying the words 'pussy' and 'ballsac' you know? I mean, the woman who complained about the Vagina monologue sign was offended because her niece saw it... this woman does realise that her niece has a vagina, right? Why shouldn't she know what it's called? I honestly... I really don't even know what to say about all this. It's just completely that notion that sex is dirty and evil, and therefore even those parts of the body are dirty and evil, and we should be ashamed to even speak their names. Which is so absurd and ridiculous. I just honestly can't belive there are actually parents out there who want to protect their children from hearing the proper anatomical term for body parts. Argh.
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