Here's the thing, though....

Posted by EireDreamer at 4:35pm Dec 2 '06
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He does make a good point, if perhaps implimented at the wrong time. He stated that "if I let one go up, I have to allow them all." As sad as it is, he's right. A line needs to be drawn somewhere, and it's a hell of a lot better to draw it too far back than too far forward.

Do I agree with the decision? No. But then, I didn't see her wreath as an anti-war sentiment, as the homeowners there did.... HOAs are odd like that, though, and their rules are kind of absolute. Most HOAs have rules about home modifications, paint colors, lawn care, landscaping, and anything else they can control about the OUTSIDE of your home...

Here's the thing, people... It was on the outside, where other people COULD see it and be offended. If she really wanted it just to feel the peace it brought, she could put it inside. It doesn't NEED to be on display outside. When people refuse to accommodate others at ALL like that, it comes across to me like they just want a fight. That's the impression I got from the statements on BOTH sides of that argument.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but as I've said before, it goes too far when we don't give a crap about how our actions affect others.
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