I think it's total bull.

Posted by Sedruce at 10:49pm May 2 '09
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I mean, cyberbullying is awful, I won't dispute that, and it's wrong and people should not engage in it, but the same could be said of RL bullying...I don't think outlawing it solves anything honestly. It's a 1st Amendment violation, and it's pretty ridiculous. Let's outlaw namecalling while we're at it!

I think a better way to go about it is to educate on how to deal with bullying (cyber and other). I mean, Megan Meier killed herself, which may have been prevented if she hadn't been harassed, but it also may have been prevented simply by teaching her how to deal with it in a healthy way!

I agree with you about cyberstalking though...that's a real threat, and a scary one at that.
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