That's a good sign

Posted by Kromey at 4:32pm Jun 1 '12
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Next thing is to scour the Event Log for any errors. I recommend the following procedure:

1) Turn off the computer.
2) Note the current time.
3) Start up the computer, let it try to boot into Windows.
4) When it fails, reboot into Safe Mode.
5) Head straight to the Event Viewer and start working your way backwards, looking for any errors. Stop when you reach the time you noted in (2).

Also take a look at everything that tries to start during boot, especially those listed in the Registry. [Insert the usual advisories of caution when working with the Registry.] It's quite possible that something is trying to start up with your system, failing, and bringing the OS down with it.

My hunch, however, is a hardware and/or driver issue, but then again my hunches over the internet are far less reliable than my hunches when I'm physically looking at the thing...
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