I've had/used two Androids so far

Posted by Kromey at 7:45pm Nov 23 '11
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The Samsung Galaxy S is a decent phone. It doesn't excel in any particular areas, but it's more than adequate for the things you've mentioned, plus Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. And it's cheap; probably cheaper now that there's a newer Galaxy out, too.

Samsung doesn't seem to like to update to the latest version of Android, however, although the newer version I think is on Gingerbread...

Oh, and it does indeed do HD. At least, it accepts HD video and HD games and doesn't seem to have a problem playing them, although the screen's small enough that it honestly doesn't make a difference.

My previous job gave me an HTC Evo 4G. That phone was a beast! It could do everything my Galaxy can do, plus do it all again simultaneously, and still have power left to spare!

IIRC, it even had a mini-HDMI port so you could play your HD videos on your HDTV (something the Galaxy lacks), however I never tested that functionality. Had to turn in that phone when I left that job though, of course -- was very sad, although on the plus side I got to beat Angry Birds all over again!
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