New Android Phone

Posted by Trogdor at 7:07pm Nov 23 '11
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Hey guys,

so my phone contract is coming up for renewal in Feb and I want to get a new telephone. I currently have an HTC Magic and I love having Android so the new phone will be an Android.

But after having an older phone like the HTC Magic I know I want a more powerful phone.

The primary function of my phone currently is to:
- Send and Receive SMS
- Make the occasionally phone call, usually while in the car using the Blueant Hands free kit
- Twitter
- G+

Things I would like a new phone to handle:
- be able to take HD video if possible
- run the latest version of Android smoothly, currently I have most of the shiny features turned off or else my phone lags to much
- be able to plug a regular headphone jack into it

Has anyone got a new phone recently, what do you think of it and what would you recommend?
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