i've been meaning to for a while

Posted by 79 at 9:31pm Jul 23 '10
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the last time i've started from this close to scratch was when i upgraded my motherboard/chip/etc, and i forgot to take pictures then (or i remembered and then forgot where i saved them - i forget).

it really is so, so easy. i mean, look at all the cables - it's not scary at all, since it's basically impossible to plug the wrong cable into the wrong slot. everything slides into place, and it's all just your average phillips-head screws. hell, the worst part for me is getting my fingers in tight spaces without cutting them on something sharp.

i used to be nervous about making sure everything was compatible...kept me buying dells for years, unfortunately. but even that's so easy (this card needs this type of slot, so i look at the motherboard i'm thinking of getting to see if it has that slot....).

i really don't know why everyone doesn't do it (well, aside from laptops). even if you don't want to do it yourself, i'm sure you know someone who'd do it for $50 + parts, and you'd still save a bundle. hell, most of us would do it just for fun.
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