Nicely done

Posted by Kromey at 8:09pm Jul 23 '10
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I keep meaning to do something like this. "Next time I build a computer, I'll put together an illustrated 'how-to' guide." Because I think if more people knew how dead simple this is to do, more people would do it, and end up with generally superior computers to the factory-built PCs like Dell and HP for less $$$.

Also it's quite a lot of fun.

Sadly, every time I sit down to put one together, I forget all about making a 'how-to' and don't take any pictures: "Well, crap; I supposed I could still write a non-illustrated one, but without pictures it'd be quite boring. Next time, though, next time..."

As soon as I can scrape together the dough, though, I've got a project lined up to build a (almost) fanless mini-computer and set it up as my edge router. That one I most certainly must document the entire process.
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