I don't remember the specs anymore

Posted by Kromey at 9:41am Nov 10 '09
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It was 2002. I had recently replaced a failed power supply in an off-the-shelf Dell my parents bought me for my high school graduation, and realized how easy it was to swap out components.

I reasoned (correctly so, as it turns out) that it would be just as easy to build a whole new computer from scratch.

Except that that first attempt, I forgot to buy RAM. Oh well, that was easy enough to fix.

And I haven't bought a pre-built computer since (laptops excepted, naturally).

Last computer I built, though... well, I cheated. Long story short, I was already on the third motherboard (dead straight out of the box) and 4th month, and getting more and more frustrated, so I just boxed everything up and took down to the local computer shop and said, "Put this together and make it work." Turns out it was actually a bad power supply, which apparently was frying everything I plugged in - ended up needed yet another new motherboard and new RAM for the damn thing, but at least it's now up and running.

Actually, I take that back - last one I built was an unqualified success; this disaster story was the one previous.
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