Now I recommend

Posted by Kromey at 3:51am Apr 8 '09
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that you install and keep up-to-date a good anti-virus program. Both AVG and [private]st have saved me from Anti-virus Number-1 specifically (or might have just been a similarly-named one - it was a long time ago) when they were slipped into some torrents I downloaded. (No, I don't and never have run both simultaneously - these were two different occasions on two different torrents.) My personal choice is AVG, but it's been pretty off lately - one installation keeps losing its registration key (it's the fucking free version - there isn't a key!!), and two others simply can't download the latest program update (definition updates are still good though). Except for these recent problems, AVG's been golden; I'm hoping this is just a temporary stumbling and that they get their act back together soon.

added on 4:03am Apr 8 '09:
Update: No sooner do I mention my troubles updating AVG when I try again and it goes flawlessly! I think I'll try getting AVG back onto my home desktop (it's currently using [private]st! after AVG forgot its license key for the umpteenth time) later, maybe it'll work now.
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