Help me get rid of a rogue

Posted by Bruised at 1:21am Apr 7 '09
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So I was stopping by livewire the other day when I was alerted that my laptop has viruses on it. I was told to download something called Anti-virus Number-1.

Knowing my experience with Pest Trap, I was skeptical of whether this was real anti-virus software. After all, my Microsoft window told me it was unregistered when it said it wanted to be downloaded. So I did some research on Anti-virus Number-1.

What I found was unsettling. I learned from some Googling that Anti-virus Number-1 is, just like Pest Trap, a form of malware that poses as a good guy. It gives you a demo version and tells you it is unregistered to get you to pay money for the real thing. Once you buy the real thing, it will steal your credit card info and use that to wreak mischief.

I have been told repeatedly there are 41 viruses and other pieces of malware on my computer. It does an actual search, claiming to find several "dirty" files along the way. The giveaway is that when you look for these files in their respective directories, there are no malware files by those names under the directory in question. When I clock on "No" to its question "Do you want to block the attack?", I am given a Bloue Screen with several misspellings: "you`ve" (with a grave accent instead of an apostrophe), "restart you computer", "ask you software manufacturer" and "unregistred". After the Blue Screen, it pretends to start my computer up again using the Microsoft start-up screen, but all my files and windows are as and where they were before (they really think that's going to fool somebody?).

This rogue software has harassed me continuously for the last week or so. If I want to get rid of the "Anti-virus Number-1" window because it's blockng my screen, I click on the "No" box and I get a blue screen and fake restart for about a minute. I can't let my computer turn itself off anymore because it doesn't stay on the screensaver very long, frequently making a new message pop up. I have had to turn my computer off frequently. How do I get rid of nasty old Anti-virus Number-1?
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