Some simple malware scanners

Posted by gmichailovic at 1:35am Apr 7 '09
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should remove it. I recommend Malwarebytes. You can download it from here: MBAM. The free trial is actually functional software, purchasing only unlocks real-time protection and automatic updates. You can use the free trial to scan and remove the malware. Once downloaded and installed, I recommend booting into safe mode. Restart, and during the POST screen (before Windows begins loading, tap F8, guide the cursor to Safe Mode and hit enter. Once you've logged in, launch MBAM and scan. It'll take a while, but once it's complete, it should remove all traces of the malware.

If Anti-Virus Number 1 causes an error to pop up when attempting to download or open MBAM, try rebooting, tap F8 during POST, and boot in Safe Mode with Networking. This should allow you to download/install without hindrance. Make sure to update the software after installing before scanning.

Good luck, let me know how it works. There are some other really great free anti-malware programs out there; you should never have to pay for any of them as many of the freeware programs work equally well.
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