Jersey Shore Weekend

Posted by Sir Four at 10:40pm Aug 24 '10
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I spent the weekend in Seaside Heights, and they are filming the third season of Jersey Shore. The cast and crew draw crowds now, I guess owing to the show's popularity. Here's the house:

There is ample security out front. I guess they don't let people get too close, because the gawkers were lined up on the other side of the street, waiting to see something.

Here's the store:

We weren't sure, but it seemed like you had to wait in line and fill out a form to go into the store when a cast member was working. Needless to say, I didn't bother to see what happens if you just try to walk in. In the above pic, I don't think any of the cast were working so that's why there's no security.

We saw Snooki going on boadwalk rides. The person in the foreground is perhaps a new castmate.

We had seen her last year walking down the boardwalk, and I think the same camera guy was following her. Of course then nobody knew who she was, but it was a strange sight to see a guy following someone with a professional TV camera.

Then the weirdest thing happened. We were out for dinner at an Italian restaurant, and at the table behind us three of the cast members sat down for dinner.

That's my shoulder on the left. You can see the camera guy in this one:

Actually, it was a little annoying because the room was rather small, and there were half a dozen crew in there--one with a spotlight-type thing lighting up the place. I can't say I overheard anything, really. It seemed like an uneventful dinner for them, so it probably won't end up in the show.
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