Y'know what?

Posted by Kromey at 7:22pm Mar 27 '11
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Every year for the last 10 years (probably more, actually), someone predicts the demise of the desktop computer is coming in the following year. Every year, they're so far off base that you really have to question what form of insanity caused them to dream up that completely ridiculous reality.

The desktop computer is not going anywhere, not for a long time yet. It has its role, its own niche, that no laptop can yet fulfill. That's not going to change for a long time yet to come.

Yes, it certainly is true that lots of people can get by just fine with a laptop and no desktop, but it's also true that lots of people can get by just fine without HDTV, and that's hardly the death knell of either.

So can we please stop pretending that the desktop is a dying breed?

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