Obama hates small business

Posted by Kromey at 8:54pm Jul 17 '12
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Well, maybe that's a little too extreme. But he clearly doesn't believe in or support the American entrepreneurs who have built so much success and made this nation what it is today.

"If you've got a business - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Obama's key point was that it was the collective effort the nation -- namely, of course, the government -- that built your business.

Only... the collective wasn't there during the risk, the sacrifice, and the blood, sweat, and tears that went into building that business. No, the collective just came around after you made yourself successful, insisted you didn't do shit, and then demanded "their cut".

I'm sure the nation would do real well if all those hard-working entrepreneurs felt the same as Obama and instead just sat back and let "somebody else make it happen".

And that's without even getting into the factual errors in his bogus claim that the government made the internet. No, sir, it was not the government -- it was private research labs and universities, and private individuals before them, who did it, and only once there was a clear path to success did DARPA step in to fund the next steps, only to step right back out again when the Internet proper was born...
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