[private] provided most of the answer to this

Posted by Bob Janova at 1:54pm Jan 9 '12
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Health care is the most obvious one: in Europe, even the rightist parties agree that it is something that the state should provide, whereas in the US, that is a far left idea. A similar thing can be seen, though less so, in the attitude to public education (school and university) and to welfare programmes in general.

There's also a more miliaristic foreign policy in the US in general (as evidenced by the number of aggressive wars you have been in compared to most European countries), and that's usually considered to be a policy of the right as well.

I think there is less of a gulf on economic issues, but there is still a distinct void of American voices on what is the economic left here, for example proposing taxes on big business, super taxes on high income individuals, spending more on increasing equality and the like.
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