I don't really see this on par with "amnesty"

Posted by Kromey at 3:59pm Dec 17 '10
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While I suppose, technically, it is at least a form of amnesty, the "amnesty for illegals" bit centered around proposals to simply grant citizenship to everyone currently in our borders -- wipe the slate clean, as it were.

Which, I think, is absurd, although I also believe the current immigration process doesn't even rate high enough to be labeled a "joke" and needs to be completely overhauled so that there's actually a viable alternative to illegally entering our country. That and a decent work visa program (yes, I know we have one -- I mean it needs to be overhauled, too, although far less so than the immigration process).

On the DREAM Act, though, I agree with you, based on what I know of it so far. That is, illegals who choose to either pursue higher education or help to defend this country certainly do deserve to be granted citizenship, as they are exactly the kinds of people we want to have in this country.
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