
Posted by Kromey at 8:52pm Apr 2 '10
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Obama's not playing the politics game with this one. Perhaps he's simply acknowledging that our energy needs require fossil fuels over the short-term, and no amount of wishful thinking will change that. Alternative and renewable energies are a long ways from being able to sustain our energy needs. However, existing fields are already beginning to dry up - we need something done now to sustain us long enough to come up with a viable long-term strategy.

This is why I believe partisan politics, regardless of which side of the aisle you're on, are toxic - no one looked at this announcement for what it was worth, for what it actually does, instead immediately concluding that it's a "concession" to the "other side". Not just here - everywhere the same thing is happening: the pundits are all looking at this in terms of what Obama's trying to get from the GOP, and everyone is ignoring the actual move itself.
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